efficacy turnaround for underperforming clusters of schools
currently underperforming schools can achieve high standards if they work together, and have the right tools
Persistent underperformance in identifiable clusters of schools is a reality in many of our nation's school districts.
We believe turnaround in best done in groups, and must focus on leadership. Our approach empowers district and building administrators to work together to articulate and coordinate the drive for proficiency in their schools, and support one another through the process.
The Efficacy Cluster Turnaround Process begins with a needs assessment, followed by training and services for key constituencies throughout the cluster.
Program elements include:
The needs assessment sheds light on the needs and the challenges of the school. It begins with a thorough analysis of student performance data, an inventory of current policies and practices, and an analysis of district and school culture, all done in direct communication with leadership, faculty and staff. The needs assessment serves to inform the consulting and change process.
Services for Central Office and School Leaders
Audience: Superintendent, Senior Administrators, District Support Staff, and School Principals & Leadership Teams
Leadership Training:
Done in two (2-day) sessions. Session I delineates requirements for turnaround using the Efficacy Approach, and assists leaders to begin coordinating the turnaround process by identifying specific supports Leadership Teams will need from central office administrators.
Session II focuses on strategies to rebalance school culture, and teaches leaders a framework and techniques to effectively manage resistance to change.
Learn more about Leadership Training.
Consultation with Central Office Leaders:
Throughout the school year, Efficacy consultants work with the superintendent and central office leaders on their on-going role in driving and supporting the turnaround process.
Principal Coaching:
Efficacy coaches work with school principals in one-on-one and group meetings as they work to transform the culture in their buildings, and manage resistance to change. Specifically they focus on effective strategies and tactics to: rebalance the school culture, drive the use of data, and act as an instructional leader.
Execution Support:
Efficacy consultants provide on-going support throughout the school year to direct on-site, school-wide execution of concrete strategies including:
Developing clear proficiency targets for each subject, at each grade level.
Employing aligned quarterly assessments to monitor progress toward proficiency targets.
Facilitating routine, disciplined, collaborative analysis of student data to drive strategies to accelerate achievement.
School Cluster Training & Support
Training for clusters of schools (underperforming schools, feeder patterns, etc.) represents a comprehensive process that engages larger school communities in collaborative work, including educators, students, parents and families.
Audience: Principals, School Leadership Teams, Faculties, Students, Parents & Families
Whole Faculty Training:
For principals, school leadership teams, and staff within cluster schools. Trainings include:
Mission & Mindset
Efficacy trainers orient staff to the Mission of proficiency for all children, establishing their responsibility for achieving it, and directly confronting the basic question, “Can we do it?”
Staff learns to effectively use data and feedback to drive improvements in instructional strategies using the Efficacy Self-Directed Improvement System™.
Motivating Students to Get Smarter:
This training prepares educators to directly empower students to manage their own learning and development. We help educators build the skills necessary to use our Efficacy Student Workbooks, integrate Efficacy tools into content area lessons, and increase student motivation for learning.
Parent & Family Training:
This training offers Efficacy concepts and tools to parents and families, to help them become more active partners in their child's education. As a result of attending this training, participants will understand that the mission for their children is academic proficiency and strong character, and learn concrete strategies to help them get there.